Earthquakes in the past 7 days of magnitude 2.0 or greater within 1000 mi
Update time = Sun, 22-Dec-2024 02:04:57 NZDT

Epicenter Near Magnitude Distance to Epicenter Time Link
11 km NNE of Maketu, New Zealand 4.8 000720448 mi 1734450245Wed, 18-Dec-2024 04:44:05 NZDT map
49 km SE of Witherlea, New Zealand 4.5 000229142 mi 1734410374Tue, 17-Dec-2024 17:39:34 NZDT map
98 km E of Pauanui, New Zealand 4.4 000815507 mi 1734387516Tue, 17-Dec-2024 11:18:36 NZDT map
172 km WSW of Riverton, New Zealand 4.7 000657408 mi 1734279822Mon, 16-Dec-2024 05:23:42 NZDT map
Kermadec Islands region 4.5 001509938 mi 1734225982Sun, 15-Dec-2024 14:26:22 NZDT map
south of the Kermadec Islands 4.9 001334829 mi 1734214102Sun, 15-Dec-2024 11:08:22 NZDT map
24 km ESE of Homedale, New Zealand 3.6 000312194 mi 1734197569Sun, 15-Dec-2024 06:32:49 NZDT map

7 earthquakes found. Click on location or map links for more details from the USGS

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Map and data courtesy of United States Geological Survey.